Flowers for Florists


‘Pickers’ flowers welcome florists who are passionate about using freshly cut, seasonal British flowers and who wish to support local business. Wedding and event florists are particularly encouraged as bridal and wedding flowers are our specialty. We are also happy to supply for photo shoots, farewells, parties and other events.


A wide range of flowers, foliage, herbs, seed pods and grasses (many of which are scented) are available from March to the end of October.

Dried flowers are available from October to March.

Approximately 180 different varieties are grown to provide a succession of colours, textures, shapes and scents throughout the growing season to enable you to create gorgeous, naturalistic, romantic wedding florals for your customers.From the first Hellebores in Spring, to the abundance of summer and the final flourish of dahlias in the Autumn, a selection of flowers,foliage and fillers will always be available. Click onto the seasonal flower guide to help you plan your floral requirements.

Flowers are sold by the stem, bunch or bucket. They are cut late in the evening or early in the morning, conditioned and rested in cool water in the shade so that they are as fresh as possible and ready to use upon collection or delivery.

Pickers Facebook and Instagram pages (links below) are regularly updated to enable you to see images of some of the flowers and foliages as they reach maturity. A weekly availability list (including prices) is generally sent by e mail on a Monday so that you can choose and place an order for later in the week.  Payment by cash, cheque or bank transfer upon collection is preferred.

If you would like to visit the plots, receive the weekly availability list or need more information please send any enquiries using the contact button below.